We believe no matter where we are in our relationship with God, there is more freedom for us here on earth beyond salvation! For each of us, our identity should be secure as God’s sons and daughters, but there are things that keep us from truly understanding and experiencing this. In our Freedom Groups, we look at our past and present through self-awareness to see if there are things holding us back from the future that God has prepared for us.
This 12-week group is a journey of learning about what it means to live in freedom by knowing who we are in Christ. Our desire is to create a safe, engaging community for you to experience more of your Heavenly Father.
Our Freedom groups are held each spring and fall.
Click the link below to sign up for a Freedom Group or get on the priority list for next semester.
When I started Freedom and and even way before I started my Freedom Group I always had a lot of weight on my shoulders and it seemed like nothing was ever going right. The hard times just kept getting harder. This is because of a lot of things that happened to me pertaining to irresponsible decisions I made in the earlier years. I was hesitant at first but I finally made the decision to get into a Freedom Group because I knew God was the only way out! Thank you Lord!!
Going through this Freedom Group taught me a lot and got me to open up a lot! I should say God taught me a lot. He taught me how to forgive and allow him to deal with the burden that was upon me. God taught me how to remove those lies, wounds, hurts, strongholds, and so many other things in my life and in my soul that the devil had instilled in me! God taught me how to defend myself from satan through the almighty power of prayer. God taught me how to become free within him and our lord and savior Jesus Christ!
By the end of Freedom Group I felt so relieved and happy and powerful within God and within my life! This Freedom Group has brightened my life everyday, even on the off, not-so-good days. I know that I am a child of God and he loves me and that I will always have a purpose in life!
This Freedom Group is a Godsend and has allowed me to become free from everything with God and Jesus by my side! So thankful and forever will be!!!
-Dakota Wolf
"This freedom group is a godsend"
When I started Freedom I felt numb because of the hurt, abandonment, and abuse that had happened to me.
My dad left when I was five. I remember begging him to stay and he didn’t. At 16, I was in a very unhealthy relationship that involved abuse and I felt trapped. I was too scared to leave, I didn’t tell anyone about the abuse because I didn’t think anyone would believe me. Thankfully, I was able to leave that relationship shortly after being baptized in 2016.
I made the decision to go through Freedom because I was ready to be free, all the pain that was felt was just holding me down. It wasn’t bringing me closer to God. While in Freedom, God showed me that I am so much more than what had happened in my past. My past does not define who I am. At the end of Freedom I felt so much relief. The spiritual warfare is so real and I was able to push through that, I wouldn’t have been able to push through it if it weren’t for God putting it heavy on my heart to join Freedom.
Freedom isn’t just for the broken, you can have a good life and still go through Freedom. I’m married to my best friend and we have beautiful children together, but my husband (who also went through freedom) and I both realized there was still some hurts that we never actually got over from our past. I have been told that there’s a good, noticeable change in me since going through freedom. I am now the happiest version of myself.
Freedom: 10/10 would recommend
"Freedom: 10/10 would recommend"
I want to share with you my Freedom Group Testimony. When I was asked to join a group, I gladly said yes knowing I was going to confront some things that had not yet been confronted from my childhood. You see, I was a victim of bullying. Almost every day, starting in fourth grade (1965), after school 4 or 5 kids would circle around me and inflict verbal and physical abuse on me. I told my parents about this, but they felt I was overreacting and did nothing to stop it. So, I felt I had no choice but to let it continue until I switched schools in 1971. As I was trying to deal with that I was also taking physical and verbal abuse from my twin brother, my parents heard this going on but thought I was being too sensitive and needed to stop overreacting.
When I was in high school my dad and I got into an argument. In the heat of the moment he looked at me and said I was a disappointment. I know he didn’t mean to say it, the words slipped out of his mouth in the heat of the moment, but those words stuck to my heart like glue to paper. I never thought I would forget them or discuss them with anyone. I packed them away and that is where they would stay.
Then came Freedom Group. From the very first week, God started dealing with the hurt and anguish of my past. I start journaling what was in my heart through the class notes and scripture references. For 10 weeks this continued, and in week 11 came the Freedom Experience, WOW, what an experience it was. Pastor Matt and Pastor Sarah walked us through what we should expect. Then my group leader talked with me about my past experiences and boy, some house cleaning took place. God healed my heart of everything -- all of it. My heart has never been so happy and free. Praise God for Freedom Group.
Everyone should join a group when it is offered to them. God will change your life.
-Don France
Ready to get started? The below button will provide a link where you can sign up for a Freedom Group (if open) or sign up now for the priority list to be notified before everyone else next semester.